A new Bash script that automates all debug steps from sk101399 for debugging BGP and the RouteD daemon of Check Point Security Gateways. All output and logfiles are put together in a single directory...
A Day in the Life of a Check Point Engineer
A new Bash script that automates all debug steps from sk101399 for debugging BGP and the RouteD daemon of Check Point Security Gateways. All output and logfiles are put together in a single directory...
Imagine a Life Cycle Management project where you have to upgrade a VSX gateway with new hardware. Imagine a crashed VSX gateway you need to reinstall whether it is on the same or RMA...
Last friday CheckMates introduced a new community space: CheckMates Toolbox. It’s a collection of various tools like scripts, one-liners, SmartConsole extensions, SmartEvent and compliance reports. Tools that are created by and for the CheckMates...
Since R80.20 GA there is a functionality available called SmartConsole Extensions. This allows you to enhance SmartConsole with the integration of web-components. Customers, vendors, partners and third-parties can create their own SmartConsole extension and...
Have you ever run into a situation where there was a need to add loads of host objects to a Check Point management server which also have to be added to the same already...
I’ve created a bash script to bulk rename objects listed in a CSV file. You need to run it on a MDS with the Management API enabled. Features Auto-detect API version of MDS. Use...
Following the release of the third edtion of Timothy Hall’s highly recommended book Max Power 2020: Check Point Firewall Performance Optimization my shell script s7pac (Super Seven Performance Assessment Commands) has been updated to...
I’ve created a little one-liner to run on VSX. First switch to a particular VS with vsenv command. When the one-liner is started it displays current CPU usage of all the FWK instances of...
A new open source tool called CPViewer has been released on CheckMates by community member and Check Point SE Petar95. CPViewer enables you to get visual insights from retreived cpview histories and cpinfo files....
Check Point released a new tool today called Dynamic CLI to enhance CLISH with new commands. This might eliminate the need to access Expert mode for certain roles you may have in your team....