How to recover Gaia Admin password on VMware
Today we ran into a situation we needed to recover the Gaia Admin password of a Logserver which was hosted on VMware. Therefore we could not use the procedure to create a EmergenDisk USB flash drive from sk92663. Problem is that we cannot boot from USB when using a VMware guest. We’ve also ignored sk106490 as this was not a Security Gateway.
We’ve used Google to find some answers on this particular subject. We found a few possible answers here and here (removed broken link) with instructions that did not completely work on a lab machine (running on R80.10). Furthermore we liked the idea by fixing this nicely in the Gaia configuration database instead of manually editing OS files like /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow files.
So we used the best of aforementioned sites and successfully reset the admin password with this procedure on R80.10:
- Configure the Check Point VM to use a recent Ubuntu Desktop ISO and boot from CD-ROM. Select Try Ubuntu so you will have a Live environment without installing Ubuntu.
- Open the Terminal application.
- Enter the following command: sudo su –
- Create a mounting point: mkdir /mnt/cp
- Mount the Gaia filesystem: mount /dev/mapper/vg_splat-lv_current /mnt/cp
- Change the root directory to the Gaia root: chroot /mnt/cp
- Backup the current Gaia configuration database: cp /config/db/initial_db /config/db/initial_db_backup
- Connect to the Gaia configuration database: sqlite3 /config/db/initial_db
- Query the database using SQLite to locate the current admin password. The last line is the current password hash:SELECT * from revisions WHERE binding=”passwd:admin:passwd”;
- Update the database using SQLite to change the password to ‘admin’. Replace the text old-pw-hash below with the last hash from step 9:UPDATE revisions SET value=”$1$zIVyrIdj$1LBW7Pg6XOcXYIgFPTppY.” WHERE binding=”passwd:admin:passwd” AND VALUE=’old-pw-hash‘;
- Exit SQLite by entering the following command: .exit
- Exit chroot and go back to Ubuntu: exit
- Unmount the Gaia filesystem: umount /mnt/cp
- Reboot the Check Point VM by entering: reboot
- Login to the console, SSH or Gaia Portal using user admin and password admin.
- When in CLISH or Gaia Portal don’t forget to change the password for user admin (and document it!)