checkpoint<dot>engineer Blog

One-liner: Convert CSV for Management API

Have you ever run into a situation where there was a need to add loads of host objects to a Check Point management server which also have to be added to the same already...

bash script using CSV to bulk rename objects

I’ve created a bash script to bulk rename objects listed in a CSV file. You need to run it on a MDS with the Management API enabled. Features Auto-detect API version of MDS. Use...

s7pac updated to v0.4

Following the release of the third edtion of Timothy Hall’s highly recommended book Max Power 2020: Check Point Firewall Performance Optimization my shell script s7pac (Super Seven Performance Assessment Commands) has been updated to...

R80.40 GA now available!

Check Point released their newest version R80.40 as a General Available release today. Have a look at sk160736 for all information regarding R80.40 GA. The Release Notes of R80.40 GA can be found here. A...

New tool: CPViewer

A new open source tool called CPViewer has been released on CheckMates by community member and Check Point SE Petar95. CPViewer enables you to get visual insights from retreived cpview histories and cpinfo files....

R80.40 Public EA is available

Check Point launched the Public Early Availability (EA) program yesterday for it’s upcoming release R80.40. The new minor release is expected in Q1 2020. The Production EA was announced in September. Details about R80.40...

How a local.arp may be ignored

It’s possible when you transfer text files between Linux and Windows with FTP and edit the files on both operating systems the text file will end up with non-printable characters. When opening such a...

Not enough space in the /boot partition

You are preparing an upgrade for a R77.X gateway to R80.10 and suddenly a verify action in CPUSE gives you this result: Verifier results Package: R80.10 Fresh Install and Upgrade from R7X Clean Install:...

R80.40 EA Program

Check Point introduces the R80.40 Early Availability Program and is looking for customers willing to upgrade their R77.x/R80.x production environment to R80.40 EA and test the new features. Looking at the list of new...

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