checkpoint<dot>engineer Blog

R80.30 now widely recommended version

Since August 6th 2019, R80.30 Take 200 with Jumbo Hotfix Take 19 is considered as Check Point’s default version. This means it’s widely recommended for all deployments and is stated in the Releases Plan....

The case of revoked SIC certificates

Last week one of our domains on a MDS server (on R80.20 ) displayed SIC errors for all VSX clusters (running on R77.30). When checking the VSX objects in SmartConsole the Trust State was...

R80.30 GA now available!

Check Point released their newest version R80.30 as a General Available release today. In contrast to R80.20 GA Check Point did not release the Management Feature release before the GA release. This means this...

Coming soon: New SmartConsole features

Check Point announced new features for SmartConsole which will hopefully be released soon. There are signs it might be included in R80.30. We will see… Updatable SmartConsoleNo more uninstalling and reinstalling a new build...

Public EA R80.30 program launched

Check Point launched the Public Early Availability (EA) program today for it’s upcoming release R80.30 which is said to be released in Q1. The Production EA was announced earlier this January.

Enhancing CLISH with Dynamic CLI

Check Point released a new tool today called Dynamic CLI to enhance CLISH with new commands. This might eliminate the need to access Expert mode for certain roles you may have in your team....

R80.20 now widely recommended version

Since January 15th 2019, R80.20 with Jumbo Hotfix Take 17 is considered as Check Point’s default version. This means it’s widely recommended for all deployments. It should now show up as recommended hotfix in...

R80.30 Production EA Program

R80.20 GA and R80.20.M2 have been released in Q3/Q4 of 2018 so Check Point continues in 2019 to push further with starting up the R80.30 Production Early Availability Program. Below you can see the...

cppcap: alternative for tcpdump

Check Point released a new tool called CPPCAP as an alternative for the well known Linux tool tcpdump. In sk141412 they explain that tcpdump causes a significant increase in CPU usage which will impact performance...

Troubleshooting of R80.10 policy installation

The Check Point Support Channel explains in 3 videos how to troubleshoot policy installations in R80.10. It only takes 30 minutes to learn a lot more about this topic. Part 1 – Explains the...

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